Saturday, July 10, 2021

 comet and i haven't walked since before the global pandemic. i forgot how the boy can pull. i remembered he doesn't pull when he's not on leash and he stays with me and stares at the ball in my hand and so the rest of the way i hold the ball and throw and we make our way easily. the waves were intense at the point and he barked while i fetched his ball, so we went by the swamp which is so lush and tall and full of birds and butterflies now. the waves are big at pebble beach too, but he can walk in. he passes his ball twice and i fetch it for him. he barks from a stone. at first i was thinking he'd changed in pandemic time and circumstance and losing hilde but then we found our groove and i'm glad we're getting back together again. everybody has changed and yet we're still the same. 

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