Saturday, April 30, 2022

there's a rhythm sometimes 

you feel before you see 

you feel between your lines sometimes 

a hard rhythm that softens your eyes 

may blur the reason and 

how the rhythm sustains


We have done what we wanted.
We have discarded dreams, preferring the heavy industry   
of each other, and we have welcomed grief
and called ruin the impossible habit to break.

from Coming to This, by  Mark Strand

 how many weapons can they sell before the collapse.

the disaster was always somewhere else. 


 benny and lulu pause. 

Friday, April 29, 2022

 and the beauty of it is—all this corruption we're seeing? it's all perfectly legal!

 there's a new window in the laundry room and a screen and that's bad news but the good news is i don't have to sneak pictures between loads, and the good news is there's a new window in the bike room, and it's clear, not semi-opaque like the old one. so on we go, watching the obamachronic hole grow.

 we are the middle of forever is a line by john trudell and the title of the book i'm in now. i feel like i'm in a rush with everything going on, i feel the need of a pause. again i got about a hundred some pictures, each one a pause, but those are headlong pauses, and most become deletions. maybe the true pause is what stays after the walk and after the culling. the one and the few we go back to.

that lulu, she's a cool drink of water. right benny?
true that, dawg.

 they may call it westernizing, civilizing, and  democratizing, but it's just weaponizing, neoliberalizing, and industrializing slaughter for the corporate oligarchy.  


have you ever made a mistake you wish you could undo?

 happy friday, workers of the world!

Thursday, April 28, 2022

given that biden time is pushing hard in his dementia for the nuclear showdown i guess it's no surprise people are doffing their masks and preparing to do the apocalypso. mass extinction, it's the new world normal, baby. let's dance.

 the time has come to join in meaningful action. destruction of all land and life is taking place and accelerating at a rapid pace. our native land is continuing to be torn apart and raped of its sacredness by the corporate powers of this nation.

                                                                       thomas banyacya

                the neoliberal colony of obamachron, 4.28.22.

 wo ist friedl? she went back to find the lost leash and lulu helped me occupy the benny. minutes or an eternity later friedl says i can't find it. i see it in my mind and go to it. we talk about piden pushing butin into nucular war.  

 benny was somewhat slightly indisposed and lulu waited in crouched stalking mode while he languidly chewed tufts of grass until he revived and played like hellzapoppin. 

 seems to me, usually, what we want to like, we don't, and we're lucky when we like what we do.

 the evil oligarchs are readying to annihilate all life for power and profit today. we're all sitting on a plummeting bomb like slim pickens in strangelove.

 i put my fruit of the looms on inside out and i opened my pumpkin flax upside down. i hope that indicates the kind of day it will be.

 there will be a hella lot more noise as the obamachron metasticizes and the anger rises.

 i'm glad i have nothing better to do.

 do we ever really see what we think we see? it makes you wonder. i was thinking there probably is more than one trotsky, the one i hardly know. he's coming back. i see why they say that about saviors. people are always going to need saviors. meanwhile they wait, we wait, for the inevitable. we can't seem to muster the will to save ourselves.

 the nub of this civilization is denial.

 we were going to watch either big oil part two or the john wayne gacy tapes which we ended up watching for three hours plus. now i'm going to sleep? the kids looked like kids in my high school year book. i remember billy pokryfke worked at a gas station and one night he said gacy pulled in and just stared at him a long time. what a horror. maybe we should have watched big oil. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

 the truth was right there, so simple a child could grasp it. trees were responsible for the most basic necessity of life, the air we breathe. forests were being cut down across the globe at breathtaking rates— quite literally breathtaking. in destroying them we were destroying our own life-support system. cutting down trees was a suicidal act.

diana beresford-kroeger, to speak for the trees

 trotsky's back! and a drawing by 4 yr. old r.

 the only way out for discredited liberalism is to shut down anyone who might utter inconvenient truths.   (black agenda report).

and what is discredited liberalism? neoliberalism.

 the obamachron wants censorship, especially of dissent.

barack obama and his ruling class bosses are losing legitimacy with more and more people. they have decided that censoring information will resolve their problems. (black agenda report).

 what's the opposite of a gun? everything but the gun.

 chuck, rosenwald.

 funny how they get rich off of the poor folk and then take their park and push them out of the neighborhood.

 benny and lulu — lovers and wrestlers. 

 girls gotta have a drink.


goood morning juju.

a train.

census 2001. count yourself in.




fume doubt.

kaos act.


