Thursday, October 1, 2020

tonight's a full moon falulu. the power was out but it's back. i said i don't care but i did though i read my book differently, not like when the power was on. we've been in the dark for a long time mostly all of us. gonna get darker. with all the time in the world we will never be prepared. time is only human. but it's a full moon tonight falulu. that's illumination, kind of power off the grid, out of this matrix world. we hafta see what light remains without power—how our insight adjusts. we may have to summon our wandering instincts.
it got cold too fast. i didn't get a wet suit, my head is congested.
p. kael said writing is thinking. sounds simple but it's not only if you can think. automatic writing thinking like in dreamtime. wjt said his son was always lucid dreaming since he was tiny, then he was schizophrenic, then wanted to be a superhero of madness, then he jumped. i can do that a little sometime. lucid dreaming. dad would never have said that about me, would have said he's a daydreamer always will be as long as he's got two nickels to rub together. i just realized i cant save this—will it remain to be saved when the power comes on? (it did, i don't understand how power works but i'm intuitive. imagine if we had no power. we live by artifice. we are what we don't eat too. what we don't eat we celebrate. we breath, art. we thou art. this is a draft. time to get the comforter out of the black trunk under the movie screen. maybe later that's what i always say.
the glorias seems to be a bad film, i hate those films where multiple actors play the same personality, is that supposed to be post something? it's a farce. would that we were post farce—never happen i suppose. i'm no pauline kael, but i imagine what she'd say.
how did we posit ourselves out of nature? that's our doom. in the absence of our nature we have a vacuum and corrupt charismatic leaders. oh! the powas back! no one has to indulge me—i am indulged!

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