Thursday, October 22, 2020

 i went back to the midway with lulu but i didn't take any pictures. the kids were back at the defaced memorial but i didn't go up as lulu's too crazy. with mister it would have been an opportunity to talk and make pictures. so we did a walk over to experimental station, tossed the ball a few times and left when a pug came worried lu would go bonkers. so we walked around the other side, the goose side, and lu sniffed where a man shat or a coyote. i thought what is my natural habitat. it's a question. i've been many places and never quite fit in. everything's a question now which means there's no answer, like the eight ball oracle that maddeningly keeps repeating try again later. when i got back the local paper said the memorial's been vandalized again. a teacher said part of her wants to give up a little because she hates to keep disappointing the kids. and a kid pointed to his dad where his poster was and it was gone. and it is so disappointing and you think of the kids in a few decades if we don't get wise and how much worse can we make life before the collapse. or how much better in the present system of violent hate. it's not the last defacement and it's not the final trump and he won't last but he won't be the last to rot in state. but the kids just want to recreate the posters and put them back in place.

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