Saturday, October 31, 2020

mamouna is good luck on little legs in a big wind on the day of the dead with a full moon.

the place i go for talk therapy is closed down somebody positive showed up and now you got to get a full test to go in so we got to zoom but i'm thinking maybe i should just do the dang test but maybe i shouldn't go anywhere i don't have to go it feels safest in the open spaces with dogs but the technology dims my witness. 

little mouna was unsettled by the wind and ghosts but she was still willing and she ran from fear to fun.

i saw i am shakespeare, the henry green story and it was soul good. now what should i do? a post on little charlie, then eat the buddha? the book i mean. 

scrappy dog, new mexico, by r.

red pickup, route 66, new mexico, by r.

i'm sitting here in bed listening to música callada on the day of the dead with two cats facing away and following r. by puter and flip phone on her road trip out west. it could be worse.

how can a chosen one lose? he is here. he's got the right religion. he's a superspreader. he's mister america. he's so bad, he can't lose.

what do we inherit and what do we bequeath?

i tried again to drop my bike at the shop to get my double crank put in. there were pie boxes on the counter and an envelope was on the floor and an old green huffy on the stand but no mechanic jay. i wanted an apple cheddar pie too, dog. oh this is the most representative holiday this american day of the dead. my puter is soul slow. day before yesterday i saw a national guard recruitment sign and i pulled it up and laid it flat. yesterday it was standing up again and i pulled it up and went under the train arcade and slid it under the moldering leaves and trash and pigeon shit. lulu wanted to retrieve it, thought it was a game. it was, it is. so deadly game. actually my crank is working smoothly now, and i hope the mechanic jay is not sick, but the wheels keep a rollin' don't they, onward to through the day of the dead and wincing through the grim election.



they are cheaper to work with than humans in the long term, are 100% controllable, can appear in many places at once, and, most importantly, they never age or die.

 hey everybody, you hafta watch a portrait of donald j. trump, by vic berger & vice news. oh my dog it's terrific and so true! billions and billions and billions agree!

Friday, October 30, 2020

ada and lulu got lucky and saw each other across blackstone street. they right off started doing the chest bump and lulu was bonkers so we skedaddled to the corner lot and let em rip but soon ada had to split. anyway lulu was delerious with joy. 

when i got back i found a card from elizabeth and john, the fellow that was assaulted on his bike on the bike trail. it turned out he had a severely broken collar bone, 5 broken ribs and an injured lung and was a week in hospital, 5 days in the intensive care unit. he's on the mend now. it was worse than i thought but it could have been worse, i wish it could have been better, i wish i had been there when the assailant appeared. me and little bear might have scared him off. 

here's to john and elizabeth healing from trauma and violent injury. peace.

no more hate you are loved peace please in a failed state the losers win.

thanks be i only had lulu today even so i hardly had a pause and it's afternoon quiet quite alright i'm lucky i got to the library without being knocked over or shot and i got three books antkind by charlie kaufman and eat the buddha by barbara demick and asylum by jill bialosky plus a couple random movies. 

there must be something driving autopilots besides money. why dark matters more than artificial light. explain as you may the obvious you can't. what a hoax the selection election time roots and tings loser wins all the framers had no idea the shit we're in debate among yourselves it'll spill into the street. they used to count slaves as electoral votes they called it slave power now they incarcerate and suppress who doesn't count doesn't vote maybe the framers so prescient already knew what could be the unified under suppression corporate state.

jasper and stinkblossom hellogoobye.

penny and stinkblossom peeugoobye.

i came in the dining room and the cats were lounging nonchalantly as they will whether they have done something unseemly or no they look innocent unlike dogs who look guilty at times even when they do nothing so i look around in the corners and under the table and then i remember stinkblossom and i laugh sorry kids my bad it was stinkblossom you so good and i imagined somebody coming to a corona party with stinkblossom pinned to their bosom and everybody wrinkling their nose and shunning them like a trumper then i put the trumpblossom in a buffalo wing chip bag with the cat poo.

 at first it doesn't bother you til you notice it and doesn't stop

i drew this into my lens faint outline a face in granite faint stars and how do we know there are black holes we sense there black holes in our sense one day we'll know we say we have our science to see by one day we'll know we thought we were at the center at the center we now know are black holes where we've been going we'll go ugh and oomph you know where we're going we been here before

half a million children are held at the mexican border the day of the dead is almost here some who got into detention their parents shipped away lost maybe dead the united states of detention war on the trickle down waste i listen to gioseffo zarlino marc sabat and the harmonic space orchestra and jaspie staring at the doorway asking for second breakfast after barfing first under my bike i may get my bottom crank today jay the bike mechanic tested negative i ordered aphasia some critic said no good i dont trust the critics you have to read with intuition's all we have really between the lines intuition no truth only intuition and maybe survival r in missouri setting out west again updates hourly let us say what we need how beautiful how heartful even silence speaks

good morning happy samhain sleep doth restore to some degree where would we be without sleep although it seems the stormtrumpers perhaps never sleep and keep on churning out their furious unconscious dreams whatever the universe continues the multiverse has the universe's back whatever there is no halloween on harper avenue but there may be a spike whatever in looting on 47th though the police state whatever will maintain main street we'll see samhain and the day of the dead will carry on despite the tricks for treats the pandemic government tosses at us like paper towels in a hurricane. 

ate too much snackage r leaves i tend to overeat and dissipate have to get my equilibrium i watched the broken circle breakdown thought have i seed this before not this time it was beautiful reminds me how i love that sweet bluegrass the old heartrending foot tapping soul keening sounds and coming from belgium bringing it and i finish fathoms she writes too self conscious there's good in it but you have to work to get it doesnt come naturally shes young and precocious a little full of words herself but ok i get a little testy dissipated the internet flagged in the wind now the wind died i missed the moon r saw in missouri it was just topped over the roof glowed clouds crenellations after the whale book back to memory the size of the volume is irksome somebody ruffled the pages theres fingerprints on the dark photographic pages it flows if you dont try to break it down it does work like memory works like a stream becoming river you cant work memory goes to sea it makes me think you have to surrender then let it work on you yeah its work you cant work it out it has to do its work you have to let it out i'm going to stop now the moon ull prolly wake me fore long

Thursday, October 29, 2020

hey what's that? subtle...

auto correct poetry can be charming and grand. r. is going under the arch and over the mississippi in saint louie. i sit with cats and the winds buffet the window, unnnerving the cats though they settle with me. i'm looking at dogs and graffiti but they don't know that, and occasionally talking to them about din-dins imagining what they say, is he talking to us or to himself again, sometimes i can't tell the difference, it's english anyway which we don't speak and he knows that and he kids i hope you can translate me cats, dig, when i get hungry you eat and when you get hungry i eat. i ramble but my butt is a fulcrum. i think i can't go out again and i don't hafta so glorious the weather can have it's way with me in a warm bed behind thermal glass. there was more and different things i was gonna say but the thoughts all strayed like a sleeping shepherd.


little bear gull-watching.

we humans cannot look on our seething and tenuous condition without dread with a gentle smile as though we are watching a dog watching seagulls, can we?

your responsibilities could become a source of tension today if they interfere with your ability to address your personal needs. 

putting your needs on hold in order to take care of obligations may make you feel restless or even frustrated. 

you may also become worried that the tasks you're responsible for today aren't being adequately taken care of. 

solace, however, can be found in the fact that you are doing your best.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

conventional accounts of world history often fail us completely, and human intuition often leads one astray, but it does take one somewhere, and doesn't desert one. hence the traditional report of the seven wonders of the world has always been accompanied by a rumor that there was also an eighth, and of this eighth there were various possibly contradictory accounts, their uncertainty being accounted for by references to the dim and distant past.

                                                                                                                    franz kafka, the lost writings

l.b. in woodlawn and h.p.


little bear in woodlawn.

we went on a little journey, little bear and me, down along the train tracks to woodlawn. it's not far but it is a change. i read that woodlawn was the third hottest neighborhood for real estate speculation in the country a while back, but maybe that was sales hype, like the obama center, maybe it's suspended, like obama's hope and change, pending the pandemic, and the rising sea and the dwindling economy, like other slogans and seasons that come to pass. there was a place i remember walking with barak obama the beagle some time ago, a plot with trees growing where a house once stood and you could see the floors still with those black and white beehive tiles and grass in between the rooms where the walls used to be. now it's a greenline homes project. real estate comes and goes like slogans and presidents. you can see ghosts of change in communities. you feel it in your solar plexus, down between your belly button and your diaphragm, like breathing, still here, still here, and how you also come and go.

 you can't have a democratic election in a neoliberal dictatorship. you can have revolt.