Monday, February 15, 2021

every day brings layers of snow layers of sirens layers of peace layers of love layers of grief.

saw a movie, lately we start a movie wondering if it's a documentary or fiction or curious hybrid, saw one about young monks in bhutan, knowing it was supposed to be a documentary, but when the camera dollies backward between two facing rows of young monks chanting each with  personal device in hand playing games and tapping missives on we chat we wonder, the mind goes wondering withal, even knowing. then we see them picking tiny mushrooms to sell to the chinese to get wads of money they use to purchase toy guns and then we see two armies of red-robed monks playing war. and we get pretty depressed after the endless day of the play trial snow-job acquittal of mob democracy. 

and last night i had trouble sleeping, troubled sleep. 

the window now looking out is almost solid white, yet peering slowly you can see ghosted buildings and trees and the white particles moving, falling, layering. 

and then i read that tiny bhutan is the only carbon neutral country on earth, with one case of covid-19— a tourist from the u.s.—and i wonder how long it can last with money technology neoliberal disease and virtual reality.

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