Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Those who live truth-based lives with the intention of bringing truth to the light will embrace it in whatever form it ends up taking, even if it makes them look bad, even if it proves they've been completely wrong about absolutely everything. Those who've lived untruthful lives have a vested interest in keeping truth hidden at any cost. These mutually conflicting interests often set these two very different types of people at odds with one another. If you have led a life that is fully dedicated to truth, you will have already experienced this.
"May all be revealed" is the most healthy and egoless desire you can possibly have for the world, because when you have it you're not claiming to know what's best for everyone, and you're not trying to bend the world to your will. You simply want the truth to come out into the light, whatever it may be, from wherever it has been hidden. You have no preference for what the truth will look like when it's revealed, nor any agendas for responding to it. You just want the truth.

That's where we must put our intention: for all to be revealed. In ourselves, in our relationships, in our communities, and in our world. As our intention is, so will be our attention and our effort. As our attention and our effort are, so will be their fruits. We set our course for the revelation of truth by firmly resolving to help bring it all into the light, beginning right here and now with our own minds and our own lives.
Everything is far more interconnected than most people realize. Resolving to bring that which is hidden in your own life into the light of truth will open your eyes further and further and give you the ability to spot hidden truths in larger and larger ways. The fight for humanity's future begins at your own eyelids.
So, may all be revealed.

-Caitlin Johnstone

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