Sunday, June 28, 2020

i can breathe easier reading how to be an antiracist than bubblegum. it's clear what he's saying though it's hard to think about. i'm sure we all have some racist friends, but if we want to be antiracist we have to be anti racist friends, in fact it's only natural and they were racist all along and we always wanted to let em go. 
it's so ubitquitous though. we don't go out much now not wanting to see people. are they haters, trumpers, racists? i want to find my antiracist friends but i'm pretty much a stay at home boy. people that come in here might be antiracist. welcome by the way if you are. 
we were going to walk to the mulberry tree and down west on the midway but we didn't want to see people. down the midway is a statue of linĂ©, or carl linnaeus, who's green and holds a lily. i though the was a simple botanist, but he was a racist and he came up with the first racist color code—white yellow red black, in that order. then he lays out the racist character of each down to the bottom of the hierarchy, black. talk about gilding the lily. of course now he's simply known as the father of taxonomy, a namer of organisms. so people haven't pulled his statue down, but they may after they read he was the father of racism.

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