Saturday, June 27, 2020

it is difficult to think about what's going on with the fascism and the pandemic and in some way they are inextricable one from the other and tangled up in capital and empire.
what shakes my tree is people saying the pandemic is not real. that it's a means of mind control of the masses. by trump, bolsonaro, netanyahu, modi, and all their masters and minions? like these hooligans could come up with such a wickedly brilliant evil plot as inventing a global disease to gain absolute dominion over the earth? they have the evil intent without a doubt, but they don't have the head for evil, but they don't have the corona. they can beat people up, gas them, kill them and terrorize them, but they can't control the pandemic. it's too big by far for all these little terrorist masterminds. what is incontrovertible is that we've been oppressed and killed by powerful men for centuries, and the old notion that anybody can make it in this man's world is the most egregious and fundamental lie imaginable. it's a deadly rigged game of hate and hubris that may have met it's match with a virus. 

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