Tuesday, August 18, 2020

i got dominion today. the book dominion, mind—how the christian revolution remade the world. i can imagine this book and caste, which is also in my beloved library queue, as close companion volumes. we shall see. they say in the beginning was the word but i believe silence preceded the word and still does. the organized faith thing boggles me like neoliberalism and casinos, and caste seems diabolical if i can use that term irreligiously and i do. i truly am most baffled by why empires exist and why people support brutal regimes that dominate and kill even the citizens of the regime itself. it's like corporations, somebunny said corporations are just people! yeah, like hell they are, they're like brainwashed slavering cults of people, ok? they're not treat others as you want to be treated, right? whatever, i'll never comprehend but i keep trying.

the first page has this quote: love, and do as you will.      -saint augustine
sounds like a brilliant beginning.

the second quote is: that you feel something to be right may have its cause in your never having thought much about yourself and having blindly accepted what has been labelled right since your childhood.       -friedrich nietzsche

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