Tuesday, October 22, 2019

see the wind

it's a huge effort for a little boy, feels he's a hero, doesn't know what's waiting for him, will spend all his life trying to recover his youth, not necessarily his infant years but those during which he had no worries, no checks to cash!, the most important thing in his life was his way of thinking, his ideas, he was the navel of the world, afterward he'll fall into oblivion, bloom, his petals wane and the universe will forget and dismiss him, we are all nothing but a fleeting moment, a grain of wheat in a full barn, we survive through numbers, our quantity forces us to evolve and multiply until the end of time, nonetheless, each grain must be ground so others can be brought into the barn, there's no turning back, we'll waste our whole life punishing ourselves for what we did and did not, a tragedy!, things could have been different, now there's no escaping reality...

joão reis,
the translator's bride

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