Monday, June 11, 2018

this strange normorning

note red ribbon in mister's poop he trots on
note mister nosing red balonie ring
it all comes together you see

paddington trenchcoat brown who
who crosses every time the boolevard 
clouseau hat crosses this strange normormaling
looking across with what in his mind so
i wave he perceptibly nods somber 
my pensive lips to bow up

crows in the big oak primordial
the order of time grooming
in the dripping fog
crow lovers silent

it is all happenings 
pause by the red outhouse to write a boy
in red shirt pops out not to scare i
say good morning he says nothing
without expression or unreadable
i say you don't say good morning
directly i'm shamed he gestures
not like sign language but deaf pointing 
to the mens room and out at the drippy park like hey i'm just going in
going out gnome sane or hmm you
wanna go in but without punctuation
hard to tell i say you don't smile though? he
feignly bows his lips is it a grin i'll take it
he pops in the girls room flushes flushes flushes maybe
three times ok ok ok mister you wanna get your ball yes

i get a bargain bag bag 
three champagne mangos
two nectarines
two purple aubergines
three parsnips
one bunch lacinato kale
one bone
free loaf
one bok choy


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