Friday, January 26, 2018

for ursula

adrienne maree brown: 

How does imagination help our species survive?

ursula le guin: 

It is through imagination that we think intelligently about what we've done, are doing, and should do.

why is it we can enter some specific worlds through writing and not others? i wanted to read ursula, but i couldn't enter the one i tried. science fiction was always that way. and mystery. and maybe all genre writing. why? i want to be transported like that, and feel abashed when i'm unable, it must be just me. i'm not hip, though sometimes i get transported easily, haplessly. at least i can say i didn't just think of reading ursula after she died. but sometimes death is a portal that goes more than one way, and it might be her's is mine. i have to finish god's red sun, and poetry will save your life, and the art of loading brush, and the animal gazer, and then i think i see ursula on the horizon, like this afternoon sun.

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