Monday, October 23, 2017

everything that rises must converge. i wrote that in a note to pat and she said she loves and cherishes that phrase, and flannery o'conner raised peacocks, and uncannily suzanne just sent a picture of a peacock from a london park she thought was an offleash dog. i said my neighbor in canada had dogs like that who came and perched on joanie's skylight looking on us at tea. 
pat said flannery buried a lot of religious themes in her books and i said i thought flannery was a subversive catlick, though maybe just southern gothic and eccentric, remember her church of christ without christ? that creepy mummified homunculus the street preacher carried all over the place? anyway, i say, she was right, everything that rises does converge, at least it feels that way, for catlicks and pagans alike.

postscript. now i find the title everything that rises must converge refers to a book by pierre teilhard de chardin, the omega point: remain true to yourself, but move ever upward toward greater consciousness and greater love! at the summit you will find yourselves united with all those who, from every direction, have made the same ascent. for everything that rises must converge.

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