Wednesday, October 25, 2017

i never think about victory, i hate sports and wars and the stock market. victory in the war on terror is big sport and great returns. we don't see the victory of our terror now, we only see the predator in the sky over our sports coliseum. this kind of victory is genius, for there's no conclusion, there's no end to the game, the market never closes. victory is decapitation. victory is capital. victory is hollow, and rich, victory is
the ultimate offense.
i think about defeat. i think this country deals in defeat, defeating the enemy is our only victory, a hollow one of fire. we cannot lose so we win by default, and the enemies only win by never ending, but they fall prey anyway.

who can say what i'd do if i was threatened. i trust my instinct would kick in, like when i kick cars that threaten, but i feel deep down i'd rather kill myself than kill another, especially killing for the profiteers, who create the very threat they pretend to fight, growing rich on wholesale death and destruction.
any victory they proclaim is a hollow one, as any fool can see.

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