Thursday, October 26, 2017

it amazes me how quick you can learn about a person, and how they can be mysterious forever. i just met a french woman who said she loved all animals and scootched back from the pointers. she asked if i was retired assuming a dogwalker must have had a real job before and i said no i was an artist, i'll never retire. then she opened her portfolio and showed me the animals she loved, sweet sweet animals, on silk yet, and i said aww, i just saw a racoon on my porch last night, eating garbage. then we talked about how the bastards were taking all the green space and i gave her a save the midway card and she said what is this midway? and suddenly she was talking about the muslims and how they ruined this country and i said america destroyed herself and i said we must go and she said god bless you and afterwards riding here i thought oh, she said she came here in '68 to escape the revolution in paris and aha she is one of those, she escaped the hippies and 50 years later she equates the muslims with the hippies. people have funny ideas about encroachment and revolution. some people are real whack-jobs.

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