Saturday, May 24, 2014

ah, the hell with it.

dandelion boy.

forget the war, it's memorial day.


i can't find the way in. what do you mean? never mind, i can't explain it, your in is through me.

i guess i made it all up.

when i was a kid, you know, i had no idea i was poor.

if you are missing edith's ghost dance i will do it for you.

it was like a tribal sound... i recognized it, but from where?

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let's give democracy a try.

reality is like stereolab, it's always somehow the same, but it never gets old.

shit, man, i think back over the course of my life and it's like a few minutes.

star baby.

the americans will leave next year.

the way.

when obomba comes home he always brings warplanes. 
copp, would you rather listen to stereolab, or death metal? oh, do i have to chews?

what's that? you say you're coming apart? i've heard it before.

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