Saturday, January 30, 2021

penny was off yesterday evening, fur scruffy, no appetite. been playing like crazy with her new mylar ball, pieces falling off, hope she didn't eat any. 

bear was off the kibble too, though ate half a can of wet food. i urged pumpkin for intestinal fortitude.

i looked back at that nytimes corona report  claiming cases dropped 35%. i thought i may have misread. nope, and the update said 33%. yet the death rate is at a daily zenith. we really truly honestly don't know what is true at all anymore but what is in our hearts if that. 

burnout is a symptom of a system—

burnout is not a problem we can individually solve. it is a symptom of a world set up to exhaust us to the point where we cannot resist.

sara jaffe, winter 2021, dissent

they think they're smart, the corporate players, playing world populations into chaos—but it's an empire of stupidity. 

stupidity is in love with itself and its self-love is boundless. 

mirolslav krleža

stupidity is weaponized. stupidity is normalized. stupidity is a constant capital capitol decapitating coup. 

good morning kids, we gotta get my extra bike out of mister's basement storage and take it to my studio storage. it smells in there and i have to escape quickly. in the spring i can air it out. i can't believe i lived in there and got used to the sewer gas. either it got worse or i had been steeped in it so long i no longer noticed. i can get stupid. death can creep up on us suddenly. 

good morning mister, dog of my heart, i can't help imagining going to your house—and you being there.


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