Wednesday, January 20, 2021


i can't stand to listen to uncle joe and it's only the inauspicious inauguration canned speech. sounds like a honky obomba without the suave delivery. oh well he's not the sick fuck trump nuf sed. 

i put on some music in the other room. i'll calm down soon

it's freezing out and salty and the streets flow with toxic particutate off gassing vehicularity. my glasses fog, my ears fold, my mask slips and my hat falls up. 

i will never in this short life get used to this place. 

little bear walks are so drastically reduced. the luxury of time is now the hound of time, though it's still a lot of time for a working class city dog. 

if there was an xtian god i feel certain he would not bless america unless it become a land of peace.

we went to the international house dog yard and there was a new toy and the dogs had a helluva good time—too short!—but whatever, they had an indogination tug of war. bear won then started to eat the object of the contest. 

it's all happening just as it has to be. it can't be any different. it can't be any better. it can't be any worse. right? but wait. just wait.

things change we're changed before we know it we follow our shadows if we aren't ready we're changed. short change, spare change. i burnt my coffee. spare me some change. i may ask for a compromise on time.

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