Saturday, December 28, 2019

when we are whole, the world will become whole. that would be an amazing change, because, as things stand, we are divided and so is the world. this state of affairs goes beyond the neverending conflicts that make the news. there's a deep fracture at the very core of being human. we call ourselves mammals, and yet most people believe they have a soul. we set ourselves apart from nature, exploiting it without considering the consequences. as caretakers of the planet, we are also its worst threat.


*i'm sorry i called him a huckster, it wasn't fair or accurate. i think he's wise, yet he's also worldly. maybe i have a skepticism about the acquisition of wealth, especially in art or spirituality, and he's got his foibles like we all do, but i believe he wants humans to do better and reconnect with the earth and loving consciousness. i realize i'm defensive and skeptical and reactive. i ask forgiveness. 
**we saw a film tonight about a guy who goes in search of people connected to the earth in indigenous cultures,  searching for understanding about what it means to be human and what we're doing here. he asks how can he understand what anything means if he can't understand his own emotions. he follows his instinct and meets a shaman who blindfolds him and points him toward a cave. he learns how fear blinds us. and i think that's what is happening in humans, we're blinded by fear and disconnected from earth. the fundamental connection is getting lost, and destruction is the result.

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