Tuesday, December 31, 2019

ignorance and fear. i believe what people fear the most is their own ignorance. a woman just posted on next door a three exclamation warning about a coyote. she called 9-1-1 and they said they can't do anything, because there's nothing to do, the coyote live here just like fearful ignorant people do, among the sane, the insane, and the sane insane, they are smarter than we who could not live in their world like they do in ours. however, they are beautiful peaceful creatures i assume will shy away from fear and ignorance as they are drawn to peaceful curious humans. they're here, they've learned to live with us, let us learn to live with them and love them for they improve our sadly reduced world. i know some will cling tenaciously to their fear and ignorance, but i had to speak. i wrote a simple reply, please let them be. 
a fellow, oswaldo, put a heart after my comment.
that fearful lady should feel blessed to see coyote.

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