Saturday, December 28, 2019

i think of deepak as something of a huckster, yet i think some of what he says is true. he may say anything at any moment, like he says you can't predict your next thought. he talks about non-attachment but he's quite attached to the product of deepak and the wealth and fame deepak brings deepak. anyway it's a little embarrassing to be reading him and feeling at the same time i'm reading a huckster. i think the guy's a liar if he says he's never been sick. i saw the documentary by his son, really weird, it showed a rich prick with no humility. yet i think he's right that we live in a human construct and not reality which he calls metareality. i don't know if we can live in metareality always, but we live with it, like we live with consciousness, yet we live with sickness too, and unconsciousness. we struggle with our limitations. i don't believe what he says about infinite potential in human beings. our potential is finite. potential may be infinite, but ours is limited by so many factors. very few have the wealth of deepak, and people live in the most degrading of circumstances, of poverty, toxic environments, and war. deepak is insulated from all of these. he lives in a bubble of wealth and privilege. he's the american dream of branding, one of the self-help gurus who became a pure product of america, wealthy beyond most of americans' dreams. you get the distinct feeling he may have come from india but he could only be made here, and that he would not be deepak if it were not for the money, he may be all for consciousness, but consciousness is also his money, he's made of it, it's made for him. i think deepak and obomba are similar in that they are men made of money and pop culture charismatic hucksters that people want to believe. deepak is much less pernicious and probably has been a more positive influence on peoples lives while obomba is more insidious and has great harm to peoples lives and life on the planet behind a mask of benevolent ruler.

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