Friday, June 28, 2019

sara was worried about us, not having seen us for some days. rumors of our demise are slightly exaggerated. with all the sick business going on it's natural to be afraid, but i said if you don't see us and grow concerned you can always check for signs of life on the dog blogue. if there is a blank page you can start to worry. i told my sister that once, and she stopped worrying thenceforth i think, but i don't think she checks. in some way we know sometimes when someone is gone. it may be they are simply on vacation, though not me, or hiatus, but i think and pray i'll be walking every day until my real demise. though out there today i felt a distinct absence of life, in the sense of buzzing humming life around the swamp and the peripheries. i felt people, thankfully, people who we know in continuous passing,  out there looking for signs of life. the dogs and the people of the dogs are out looking, and weaving together images and experiences of what it feels like to be alive in such a place as this strange sad behemoth, america today. 
keep checking in!

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