Wednesday, September 19, 2018

obomba got power balls.

    no wonder obomba wants to plant his massive tower here. it's prime real estate, and free for the taking- if you got the balls, and the connections.

dear morgan elmer,

i have been going to the nature sanctuary with my dog and the audubon birders for many years and i'm really sad about the changes proposed by the privatization of the obama center, the loss of trees and habitat, the disruption of bird migration posed by the building of a massive illuminated tower directly in the flight path. i'm afraid of the impact on nature and free green space for people too. there are so few places where nature is respected in the city. the idea that a private foundation with wealth and political power can appropriate a beloved public park is devastating. i just want to note the importance of a nature sanctuary not only for the the flora and fauna that could thrive there, but for the joy of a quiet, natural oasis in an increasingly hectic city. with so much land that is vacant and not part of the public park, it's a shame, and, truly, a crime to build this center in jackson park.

doug shaeffer

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