Wednesday, September 26, 2018

before i read the latest post about the obscenity of the obomba land grab and the obscene amounts of money already spent in advance of breaking ground in our public park and the massive road construction the people will also be obliged to pay for....
i know it sounds cliché, but we need to find the goodness every day. the more evil there is, the more power plays with our lives, the more imperative finding daily goodness becomes.
it can be daunting and difficult to find the goodness when things are continually coming apart and we are in fear. as i was riding home an angry autopilot in a bmw roared around a bus into my lane, i felt common fear, yet my finger raised itself in a salute of resistance to mindless aggression and careless power. and so on. we have to find the goodness because the goodness we find is the inner strength we need to survive these powerful people and these perilous times.

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