Friday, March 16, 2018

say hi to my troll. kiss kiss.

trolls, i had forgotten, are sexless, like angels i suppose. it's not really my troll, but i found it in the alley with a bunch of brown skinned babies and one white ken. i felt the vague calling to bring this one on a peripatetic wandering. i hope i did the right thing.

i took my troll over spider bridge. i'm flying! i'm flying!, it said.

 i introduced my troll to my swamp. hello, swamp! so clean...

now you are in a different place. now you are at the wellspring of your new life. the alley of desolation is but a memory.

 my troll sunbathes on a round stone in the swamp, looking up at the dreaming sky.

 my troll mind melds with mister.

 i decide to leave my troll under spider bridge. 

 mister says, so long.

i have misgivings. this isn't the kind of troll who waits under the bridge and scares kids. i think i hear, wait, is this my home? maybe i should have go back. have i left my troll in a rats hole? 

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