Saturday, November 21, 2020

 the word of the day is supernumerary. let's see if it fits, is it fitting. i think the wod is hitting more than the hod, the horoscope of the day. there are other ods for the stars and the lexicon. i might try anither hod. 

sylvia plath must have had a hard struggle though she also had a fierce joy and lived intensely though at odds with the patriarchy, and the matriarchy as well. she was a pacifist but drawn to violence. she seems kind of like a later emily dickinson but from a poor family and she would not stay home. ended up in the stove in the kitchen of her home away from home.

why supernumerary. a person not needed. anything in excess of the necessary. i thought if we decolonized the place would i be displaced, sure, i'd be supernumerary. though maybe some folks would be recognized and embraced in the native community and what we call community, defined by grid, would be erased.

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