Friday, November 20, 2020

i put aphasia aside again, now i'm going to stay the 1000 page course of red comet. i got 60 pages thus far. i'm not getting down to the inside stuff that i'd like to i feel, but maybe something comes of stuff that happens that taps something deeper in these times, or not is alright. whatever you're thinking about is alright, right, just go with it, something right may be guiding you, you're sincere, you're not just pretending, biding time, you're not just getting deeper in debt. that's what i wanted to say now, i like what astra taylor does with the debt collective. debt was killing people before the pandemic but the debt economy in pandemic is an exponential catastrophe. in ancient times when they realized debt was causing the collapse of society they would have debt jubilee, amnesty for debt slavery to save society. people like obama and biden get astronomically rich claiming to represent the people but they represent the exploiters and the debt economy. we can't afford the hoaxers anymore, we can't afford the endless wars, we can't afford the sacrifice of the environment and lives to the democratic wars of the debt economy. now back to red comet and my friday honey girl miss lulu.

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