Monday, July 27, 2020

so i was sleeping in and it was cool and rainy and my phone buzzed and sounded like a fart and i looked and i was being called to walk little bear and i thought i had the morning off. i do but there was confusion. sorry for the confusion ben said. it's ok. it's pandemic. so i was deleting the news threads unread yesterday and it was a little better. trouble is i know what's happening. my heart knows. my gut. and an instagram slips in by the side door, burning trailers in seattle? state terrorist goon squads spraying a vietnam vet in the left eye with tear gas from a foot away crying out we slaughtered children. and this is america i say silently sounding so naive in my head. and then i put in sleep to find the image to post and a picture of mister comes along with sleep and i see once it's up it's his last moments and i slump and i think about taking it out but i've seen and felt it and felt and seen i have to leave it in. and this is me and this is america and this is my spirit animal in his last moments.

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