Monday, July 27, 2020

so i was going to post the horoscope and i tagged two pictures with the first words and then typed them again to retrieve them from wherever they got put in the past file and i put ypu for you and i get this picture of mister from years ago and it's titled why, whatever do ypu mean? so i type in you and the search comes up empty—they vanish—and so i scroll down through thousands of images all put in one giant fold of the past and there they are at the bottom like silt. 

you may feel introspective and have a desire to seek answers within today. 
you could strive to understand events from your past or crave more insightful knowledge about your life path. 
by taking time to quiet your mind and listen, you should be able to discern the answers you seek. 
find a place where you won't be disturbed, sit quietly, and allow tension to melt from your body. 
take slow, cleansing breaths, and allow a feeling of peace and tranquility to envelop your body and mind. 
then simply turn your attention inward and think about the situations for which you need guidance today. 
you may also find it helpful to keep a note pad and pen nearby so you can jot down questions to ask or record the insights you receive during your meditation.  


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