Sunday, May 20, 2018

Israel has made it clear, as clear as anything has ever been in this world, that it believes that it has the right to systematically murder Palestinians — yes, I said murder — for the crime of continuing to exist. There is no defense for what Israel has done. None.

Never in modern history have you had such a merciless, sustained campaign of collective punishment like the one that Israel has meted out against the people of Gaza. And that punishment is horrifying enough, just when you consider the humanitarian consequences of the blockade and the poisoning of the environment and the water supply. But then add to that the regular massacres of people literally trapped between the sea and a nuclear-armed nation-state, with the most advanced mass-killing machinery on the planet and you have to ask: What does Israel really want? And the answer, it seems, is submission and acceptance of dehumanization by the Palestinians or they die.

Jeremy Scahill,
The Intercept.

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