Sunday, May 27, 2018

this bobo story just keeps on getting weirder. it seems like the fliers are getting more colorful and there's a reward. someone put up a picture of a dove in their backyard and said he was happy, and no other info. it's not clear if it's bobo. his human said she wants to put glue sheets as she's gotten him before that way (what!?). 
meanwhile i bought a bottle of wine with birds on to take to this audubon thing and then hal the dude playing audubon went off to find a rare herniated warbler, but i'm still gonna go by and spill the wine. in the old days i'd have just popped my own cork and watched a moodie toasting mr. audubon and his herniated warbler and bobo too. but i guess i'll go see if i see if bobo drops in on the audubonders in the backyard. 

now i often ask if i'm crazy, and often i answer, yes, and it sometimes takes me a while to assess crazy in others, or perhaps i'm simply suspending judgement to see where the story goes. when i heard about the herniated warbler i winced but thought about other funny bird names and thought it was just another unfortunate one and i finally got that it was a hal that was the herniated warbler. duh. 

- i felt sad about bobo. i was drawn into the story, but now i'm just disturbed, and sad for bobo's mom, and thinking bobo took his chance when he saw the open screen and said, i'm getting the hell out of this menagerie, this bird is crazy. now i think of bobo as maybe imperiled, but free. go on bobo, try your wings. 



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