Thursday, May 24, 2018

we going to put something in the air for sarah. she saw the dear pinky post and thought for a minute it was for bobo the mourning dove who i am afraid is still lost. i think about what is getting lost every day. we really are losing the world, and we must try to connect, and preserve what is vital, what we can. sarah has eye troubles, and the doc put in the wrong script for her prisms, so she struggles with the old specs. she asked if i believe in putting stuff out in the universe: IF YOU believe in universe stuff--could you put something out there. and i think about it and i guess i do believe, not in a deliberative way, but in presence, in connection, in passing. so i can do that. this is in passing, since sarah and i pass in here, not on spider bridge. i put this inhere out there: let the troubles 
be eased. it is only a good pair of glasses, yet as i know, and all the you's who care do too, seeing the world, in squalor and beauty, is the necessary thing. 

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