Friday, September 27, 2019

the u.s.a. is everywhere trouble is.

orange is beautiful. the thug in the white supreme office can't taint a color evil any more than agent orange. anyway he's the color of disease and death which may be colorless with makeup. though white annihilates, you could die wearing any color. even wearing the flag of the ultimate empire. trouble is brewing i said to jadre and it's a joke we've been saying since i walked the black and white terriers that died, uh oh here comes trouble, it was me, smiling, it was the little rascals, not really looking for trouble just opportunity, it was the dark storm coming on the morning wind, it was a joke of the killing kind- we had to laugh, do we need to say it we say, yes, every day. we what we thought we dreamed trouble was only for export, other peoples' trouble is not us, right, export it, send it back, ignoring trouble in the deep state homeland, we had the weapon of mass distraction war to keep us safe from self scrutiny, from truth trouble, it always comes back, we never learn as long as the money flows the right way, unlike the garbage and the fusillades we ship global. the landfill that is our land coming back to fill our land with trouble brewing in a feedback loop unequal and opposite here in the land of freedom the trouble we made everywhere the u.s.a.

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