Monday, September 23, 2019

oh my dog i'm so distracted. i was listening to the u.n. climate summit then i went out the back way through a cloud of smoke from a hazmat truck. 
the pointers were distracted from play by overflowing garbage cans. i might lose the pointers. hard to focus on the environment when livelihood is at risk, but then, it's all one senselessly chaotic system. 
then i went to the library forgetting my library material at the pointers. but that's nothing. least i didn't drive.
my whole life they say it could be worse, and sometimes my heart said bullshit, it is worse, and sometimes said, hey, that's right, it ain't that bad, but it's getting worse and the placebos don't work anymore. even if they phase out slowly of the burning money economy, by 2030 or 2050, what about the disaster happening now? there's talk and there's disaster. 
it was just spewing diesel while siphoning off and old oil tank, but once you notice one thing you notice everything, fumes everywhere, holding of breath afraid of the air we hafta like nafta breathe normal modern life it's in the air happening all at once and everywhere makes you wanna cry the air!

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