Wednesday, August 28, 2019

so, a hella lotta dragonflies today, what? and blustery mufuggin winds. never did get to the water 'cept the misty fountain falulu. so i finly spoke to mr. black. i talked too much and got too excited i fear i'm too passionate for the cause 'cept for blogging, but what does that do jack. oh well i said a piece anyway. mr. black is late on the scene of the obomba land grab scam and not too familiar. he didn't know the osaka garden was on wooded island or that the island was also a nature sanctuary so at least i got him some factoids, and about the skein of lies that was project 120 which he thought had melted away when i told him they are actively courting japanese investors and that i think the intention is to make the island one japanese garden tourist attraction across the street from obomba's monster tower. i yam what i yam and i'm not a journalist nor activist i'm just a guy who gives a hoot about nature and nature lovers. i may not have made a connection, i may not have furthered the cause, i always have the blog to go back to pshew. but honesly i wish i felt better about that call.

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