Thursday, August 29, 2019

i said to curtis i wished i was an investigative journalist but then i get so emotional i couldn't do it. he didn't sound emotional at all, just tired. i wish i'd asked him what he felt and thought about the land grab. i said i googled him and found his bona fides as as a social justice reporter, but i don't know if he's still in that capacity now. he seemed so tired. at least he went to the island and confirmed it was a nature sanctuary, or at least the signs remained. he may just be quiet and considering, and tired, i may have nattered on too much, he may think i'm a nut, he may have been really just thoughtful, thinking what to investigate next. i wrote him a note asking what he thinks and feels: is it a dead done deal? it may be too late, but i must stay open to possibilities even though that motherfucker obomba says he's hiring construction companies.

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