Thursday, July 18, 2019

it's waning hard now. we rush. we get impatient with the game. it takes too long to play and we know how it ends. on the other hand it's exciting when all you can focus on is the drama of the weather, and i imagine the ice thugs won't even raid in this kind. ok so just the facts now. i rode to mister under ominous sky. a kid on a scooter stopped said whoa ok doggy keep calm i said he's calm, see? are you? he's not on a leash. that's because he's good, see? like you. then, well now, i notice the concrete under mister's feet says RUSH. i may have noted that subliminally. then i saw my fellow dogwalker and we were both dressed for the heatwave. thunder and lightning and the air arousing. anyway i rushed mister dawdled and when we reached his front yard all the water in the cloud fell on our heads. i walked my bike home with a small umbrella and on the way at the produce market i got a loaf of sliced rye, a large baguette, a croissant, and four potato buns for free with purchase of a bottle of pomegranate juice. home by 9:19 and showered by 9:22 and here to blogue you at 9:28. end of post:9:43.

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