Tuesday, July 23, 2019

i saw the baby hater of the three haters at the bargain bin. before i realized who i smiled and let her through, it's pretty tight in the produce market by the bargain bin and there was a lot of bargains to sift and when i realized who i gave her a sidelong penetrating look and i was going to malinger longer just to annoy her but then i realized she was annoying me so i grabbed my taters, my papaya, my pamplemousse, my avocado, and my etcetera and i scooted from her malign vicinity. she kept dropping stuff so maybe she was rattled, though she never evinces any expression she could be possibly affected by something, right, everyone is affected by something, and my silence might do it, after i excoriated her that one time in the little park where the murders happen. anyway it's my daydream that i would make her as uncomfortable as she made me, and there's some shift, i don't know, i don't feel her fake power anymore, and i feel less her hate, though i know it's there, residing in her, weakly, timidly, i think, rattling her cage. some people get by on no expression at all, but they may be the most afraid.

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