Tuesday, July 30, 2019

how many, how long. we can't see the scale of destruction without going to the site, so it's only statistics we get, but we get a feeling if our attention is awake. riding home i thought, too many cars! and i thought, duh! that's just because you're a cyclist! then i thought about the destruction of the rainforest, and the refugees. so for the hell of it, there were a round number of 30 million acres of rainforest destroyed in 2018, there are approximately 1.4 billion cars in the world, and there are give or take 70.8 million refugees. that's all, i don't know what to say about it, i was just wondering, how many are lost, and how long will it last.
it's not a statistic or even a prediction, it's the state of things. we'll all be subjects of environmental disease. we'll all be climate refugees.

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