Monday, November 26, 2018

so we have individual freedom but it's a neo-con job, it's just freedom of the market, if you got the cash you got as much freedom as you can buy, on credit. and no collective freedom, we are connected only by technology, the web of life's a grid, in their minds and our streets, well we have our locality, but the capital predators are buying the space from under our feet, there's no social justice, only marked opportunity, to the rich go the spoils. but we have our small menagerie. they can control the borders and the money, they make the pacemakers, but they can't control our hearts' design.
mister lays on his bed in the corner next to me, so happy for the power outage because i'm here blogging with him like we used to be. i pull his bed close to my chair so i can touch his sweet face and rub his silky ears.

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