Wednesday, March 14, 2018

i didn't sleep much. my head was full of movies and cold pressured my bad wisdom tooth and the specious idiots on the obomba center site rattling their cages. i took some wal-dryl and slept til 7.15. still losing daylight. i get a creepy feeling all the time now and vow to engage only with sympathetic and thoughtful souls, mostly dogs, that is, not the specious shills for the land grab. there was one last gasser from obomba central i deleted unreplied and i think i'll auto-delete the future shillage. what sticks in my head is the question, if this is a done deal, and with all the power and money massed behind obomba, why do they have to keep arguing for the inevitable?  
i thought about the word specious sorry mary lobbed at the friends of the park. 
i peered at the tiny print in my old compact o.e.d. it's odd how a word changes meaning over time. it began as fair, beautiful, fair-seeming, fair or pleasing to the eye or sight, beautiful, lovely. which is unlike the narrative of sorry mary, et al, as well as my rejoinders. next came of flowers, birds or their feathers, etc. having brilliant, gaudy, or showy coloring. funny to think of these shills that way. then it goes to having a fair or attractive appearance or character, calculated to make a favorable impression on the mind, but in reality devoid of the qualities apparently possessed. and of pretences, pretexts, etc. now we get close to what transpires in re the obomba center shills. 
i think the narrative is cracked and not making a favorable impression and the truth is rising up through the cracked pavement like rude, scrappy, irrepressible seedlings. or so i'd like to imagine. they can't keep paving over life and building conning towers and golf courses and claiming community benefits that don't exist.

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