Friday, April 24, 2020

here's the cool head i mentioned. to identify the pictures i called them cool head prevails i don't know what it means i can simply say i like the expression and the pyramid pupils in the ghosty eyes and what does it remind me of, i can't get it, i could say a lot of things or characters but that wouldn't get it. it doesn't have to be like anything and it reminds me of itself. the first pix were sans flash and the last ones plus flash. i like the pinkish sans flash but the cleaner white flash may be better. i often can't bother to decide. and i like the repetition and the difference too. wouldn't you like to ask what the artist had in mind? or it's better not knowing. it's a present. way more than the obombas mosaic that's some tacky hagiography. but it may be meant ironically. i never get irony quite right, i feel. is that an asperger continuum syndrome indicator. but i heard that irony was dead anyway, or was it that humans are post-ironic? whatever, they proclaim a lot of things dead or post. ok i'll stop this nonsense now. oh, i was going to add, i like that green spray paint. wonder what's it's name. is it ironic that i rarely have a cool head? what does it mean to prevail? rather uncool, yet i'm still here.

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