Wednesday, April 29, 2020

aw, shit, lulu. it was still pouring when we went outside, the flowers are mostly faded from yesterday. lulu was sniffing around some weeds a little too interested but i couldn't see any disgusting human things though it's getting harder to tell with the growth from all this rain and when i went around the tree i knew was a toilet tree before duh of course. in a breathless breath i shooed her off but i already felt like crying, absurd right, grown man crying over human waste in the park? yes, that's right. it breaks my heart that some shitter comes equipped with toilet paper, shits, wipes, throws paper around and doesn't have the decency to cover it up, only cares about his own ass. well this is the state we're in. this is why i cry, this little act embodies, in evacuating horror, the captured, captive, unhomed, and failed state. so i pick up lulu's poop and go home, sodden and demoralized.
on the way i was thinking, why did they start to censor planet of the humans without elucidating the supposed lies it contains? can't the green movement stand a little scrutiny? why not make a list of all the lies and write the truth? maybe because it's too convoluted, the truth these days. maybe it's inextricable from the lies. maybe it just depends on whose money talks. maybe it's all talk. what is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh?  maybe but they simply want to make the film disappear. i'd like to know the truth, we can't survive on secrets and lies much longer. will the only truth be what survives after we collapse and die?
the thing of it is, to avoid the human offal, do i hafta just leash walk lu on the sidewalk with the covidians?  but then i recall a fellow on armitage avenue when it was become one long drag of boutiques would just drop his pants and shit among the passersby. that was when they tore down the public housing and it was way gentrified.

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