Tuesday, February 25, 2020

not me—us. artists for bernie.

Bernie Sanders is leading a working class movement that transcends ethnicities, generations, and geographies. Artists and cultural producers are largely precarity laborers–often struggling without benefits, financial security, at the whim of the market. These fields are therefore more inclined to attract people who are already privileged, at the expense of the less privileged—and, often, more talented. Medicare for all, universal childcare, canceling student debt, and free public college, are just a few of the progressive changes that we support for their soundness and logic, that will spill over into a more equal cultural sphere.
Many pundits, journalists, and skeptics have wondered if Bernie Sanders has the mettle to stand up against Trump in the general election. We believe he does for two simple reasons: his unshakeable ethics which have guided his career for decades, and his dedicated and invigorated base of supporters—the largest donor base of any candidate in the democratic primary. He has both the moral authority to confront Trump better than his challengers on the left, and the forthright nature to knock him off his game. Some have questioned Sanders's age as a deterrent, which we feel is an asset. We also believe that a Sanders administration would insulate his agenda from any unforeseeable challenges. Look at what Sanders has accomplished within the Democratic party simply by running. All signs indicate a Sanders administration would be similarly revolutionary.
Overall, we strongly feel that only Sanders represents the values and virtues which all of us as cultural producers have always hoped to strive for. In the words of Sanders,“You have my promise that as President, I will be an arts President. I will continue to advocate strongly for robust funding of the arts in our cities, schools and public spaces. Art is speech. Art is what life is about.”
Lastly, we believe that a Sanders presidency will provide a serious and tangible chance for a redirection of the United States and perhaps the entire world from the wrong paths that have been followed for far too long. President Sanders will inaugurate a new era for America: one of peace, prosperity, and essential human dignity.

-sign the letter of support— Artists4Bernie. we are all artists of life. so hang in there kids, change is coming, whether we like it or not. let's produce something other than endless war. kids, you can say, no more war, and you will be the adults and let the adults who produce war enter the darkness of senescence with their spoils.

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