Saturday, November 16, 2019

every shame may contain liberation. anyway small shames. when i put down a fat book by a literary genius like krasznahorkai i feel a bit shameful and small of brain, but also some sweet relief, ha, i don't hafta do that. i can pick up the weight and deposit it back in the liberry and not have it's word-spine glower at me from my overloaded shelf. i come to recognize i have limits and tastes, and any given genius may not be everyone's taste, or even genius. such an arbitrary word. take a look at some of the geniuses that win the top prize of "peace" or the art of the steal. we are critters of reason, perforce we rationalize. beta than nationalize gnome sane right. i also put down edna obrien's girls, for reading it is reading human cruelty and it is endless though much shorter in the spine than krasznahorkai. i admire that book of e.o. but i put it back in the liberry.

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