Tuesday, November 21, 2017

i was thinking of shame. i felt a little shame putting a save the midway sticker on a cattail but then i thought it would be ok. it's a very small shame considering the magnitude of the theft of public space. also i think about historical shame and rehabilitation. i think about how we don't seem to have much conscious personal shame being americans, and i wonder about the relation between the personal shame we do feel, arising out of experience, and that of experience arising out of a shameful culture, of bullying, confiscation and war. i think about the shame of the addict, and the poor, and how shame may feed into bullying, or poverty, or war. i can't help thinking about war, when i think of shame. i think actually shame is fuel, and it might bring light, but mostly we just burn it, and burn in it, and shame makes war. i think we have to feel shame and observe what it causes us to do in the world. i think if we can't feel shame and use it as a cleaner fuel we will always burn in addiction and war.

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