Monday, July 27, 2015

death looks so small so far away. three little killer jets on the horizon. then today seven screamers in sick formation and i thought either obomba's back from africa displaying his awesome power or it's the fuckin air show. i flipped em the double eagles.

for david gulpalil. i love to watch you. i started watching you in walkabout and now in rold de heer's new movie. and the same wonderful soul-deep man that was a boy then is full of a life of survival and spirit. thank's man. but i thought also, how they probably rarely if at all go walkabout now. the aborigine's are like the aborigine's here, soul crushed if indomitable. fully under the dominion of power abnd control, their land and livelihood stolen, like all indiginous peoples in the global power.

slowly i began to have different views from the global control

we love carrots you see

his love wrapped around you you can't go astray.

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