we're not supposed to talk about it so as not to appear prejudiced. but an ex-president who waged war for two terms whether or not he wore the nobel peace prize who comes home to wage a land grab in the neighborhood seems simply crass and grandiose and disrespectful. this is the wages of war brought home, the daisy cutters now developers. it seems like a rich and powerful narcissist building a monument to his own conquering hero- himself. it shows his people now are the moneyed elite. he left the neighborhood and became a titan on the world stage. they act like war and empire is simple development. the price of empire is its spoils. but we who love peace and green space and even the poor do not love the takers. and we are keeping a record too. peace and the preservation of historic green space may be a lost cause but it's our cause. we know we can't elect or buy peace or land, but we will continue to take small steps in the shadow of titans. small steps, and everything in stride.
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