Saturday, August 21, 2021

 i felt the tide. is it different with a full blue moon? it may be a different perception. is there more gravity with more luminosity. the dark side would seem to have more. anyway what i was gonna say is i felt it and i managed to allow some self-soothing. then the people started coming and the sky started rumbling. i saw teeny tiny planes appear and disappear with little spurts of vapor and roar. i thought how it is i take it for granted that i know they aren't going to kill me at the same time thinking that's what they do. the thought kills me as they say, our entertainment is for the rest of the world terror from the sky. 

i beta go i said to myself, the lawn chairs are set and they're fixing to fire up the animals for the air & slaughter show. 

i thought on the bike on the way to pebble beach how do they reconcile the smiley face with the war criminal inside? they don't, i thought, surprise, war criminals smile. 

as i was riding back i saw a man by the swamp holding up a little girl with blonde curls, pointing up above the cattails, guiding her attention to the amazing war planes. 

pardoname, i dint know the war show was canceled again for the  pandemic. oh yeah, i hear some juicy thunder now. it was just the blue angels, chasing the blue devils away. maybe they did some cloudbusting as well cuz here come the rain.

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